Voters did the right thing by supporting school millage

Voters did themselves a huge favor by supporting the school millage on Aug. 4.
And campaign supporters of the millage deserve a big hand in sending the message out.
We have said this before, but it’s worth repeating: This millage will help boost home values in the city. It’s too bad that it took two tries to convince voters, but we all learned a large lesson from the effort.
And that lesson is: If you want to get voters on your side, engage them.
On the second attempt, millage supporters did that by aggressively educating the public, letting them know how the community at large will benefit.
Absent this time around was a last-minute attack ad falsely claiming a $500 per year savings to all property owners if they defeated the proposal. That was the tactic used in February’s election to sabotage the millage proposal, and it proved effective.
Dirty tricks are nothing new in elections, but that one stung because it meant hurting our kids and their chances to succeed in life.
Taking away money from our children’s education is about as despicable as it gets.
The millage is now set in place for 10 years, and will produce a little over $1.8 million a year. This will keep our schools stable and secure. Better yet, by having a financially healthy public school district, we also will have a stable housing market.
Thanks voters for making the right choice and in believing in Hamtramck.

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