Citywide water meter replacement to begin soon

By Charles Sercombe
For several years there has been a water meter at the Wayne County Jail in Hamtramck unused and rotting away.
The city has either not collected a dime in water usage from the jail in all that time, or it has relied on estimates from when there was a working meter.
City Manager Katrina Powell said she is not sure what the case is.
The jail situation is not an isolated incident, Powell said.
It has been discovered that anywhere from 10 to 20 industrial customers do not have working water meters. Some of them may have been paying estimated bills for several years.
The situation is even more widespread when it comes to households. Powell said there are hundreds of non-working meters.
In a handful of cases, she said, there have even been some households with absolutely no meters.
How could this have happened?
That’s a question Powell could not answer. Was it part of the overall past dysfunction of the city?
Maybe, and probably most certainly.
Hamtramck has twice been put under state supervision through an emergency manager after its finances hit a rock bottom. The diagnosis of the city’s financial trouble has always included mismanagement of some kind.


3 Responses to Citywide water meter replacement to begin soon

  1. Resident

    May 23, 2016 at 11:04 am

    Is the city replacing all the non-working meters? or All meters?

  2. csercombe

    May 23, 2016 at 11:40 am

    eventually, yes, all of the meters.

  3. Resident

    May 24, 2016 at 2:47 pm


    The city should install/replace where there is no meter or “not working” meters.

    Blanket replacement of all meters is a waste of money. This resident assumes most of the meters are defect free. Certainly it is the case for the meter in his house which he has occupied for over 12 years. It is very easy to see if the meter is working or not. Just turn on a tap and look at the meter. The city will be doing a disservice to its residents if it were to replace all working water meters. Replacing meters will cost a fortune. Unless the city or the City Manager has found hidden treasures to pay for it all, the residents will be on the hook as usual.

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