In this school board election, choose wisely

For a change, Hamtramck voters have a wide selection of candidates to choose from in the upcoming school board election in November.
There are six candidates vying for two seats on the board, and the winners will serve six-year terms.
In the coming weeks, we hope to present the viewpoints of the candidates who have lined up.
This will be an important election. Why?
The current school board is in full dysfunction, with members battling each other and not showing up for meetings. In fact, the board has no problem thumbing their nose at state law, and the community they are supposed to serve, by failing to meet for three out of last year’s 12 months.
State law requires school boards to meet at least once a month. That’s right, just once a month — yet this school board couldn’t even do that.
And the board is still at it, having once again taken the entire month of July off.
All of this has happened under the failed leadership of board president Jihan Aiyash who has proven to be an embarrassment to the community.
Aiyash, unfortunately, is seeking re-election.
We’ve gone over the many other failings of this school board in the past, with the most serious being that they are paying the district’s superintendent over $200,000 a year not to work.
Yes, you read that correctly. And the reason why this superintendent is not working?
Aiyash and Interim Superintendent James Larson-Shidler refuse to explain.
Take this election seriously, dear voters, and vote in two new members who can turn this board of education around.
Posted Aug. 2, 2024

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