By Alan R. Madeleine
Crime Log is compiled from Hamtramck incident reports from between the dates of Thursday, April 12 and Wednesday, April 18.
From Thursday, April 12:
Officers took a report about a possible child enticement.
A man living in the 3400 block of Yemans came into the station to report the theft of a bicycle from that location.
A man reported being attack the night before by a man known to him, who was armed with a knife, while at an address in the 8500 block of Jos. Campau. He was unable to come in to make a police report right after the attack because he went to Detroit Receiving Hospital to be treated for his injuries.
A man was arrested for assaulting his daughter while at a location in the 2600 block of Holbrook.
From Friday, April 13:
(No report available from police for this date.)
From Saturday, April 14:
A person residing in the 11500 block of Lumpkin reported the theft of his wallet. No other details were available.
A person living in the 3100 block of Lehman reported unspecified vandalism to his vehicle while it was parked in front of his home.
A woman reported that another woman, known to her, had attempted to assault her the day before, late in the evening, while both were at a sports bar in the 9100 block of Jos. Campau, then later on made threatening phone calls.
A pedestrian was involved in an accident at Conant and Edwin. The victim was transported to Detroit Receiving Hospital by Hamtramck EMS. The victim’s condition was not given.
A man was arrested after he drove off from a gas station in the 8900 block of Jos. Campau without paying for $51.85 worth of fuel.
Three juveniles (gender not stated) were arrested for assault by officers investigating a call about a fight in the 11600 block of Moran.
From Sunday, April 15:
Officers took a report of (unspecified) damage to a residence in the 9600 block of Dequindre.
A burgundy 2000 Jaguar (no model given) was reported taken from in front of a location in the 2700 block of Belmont. Officers logged the vehicle into the LEIN system.
A man came into the station to report break-ins to two separate properties, one in the 2600 block of Casmere and one in the 2600 block of Whalen, each between the time of April 13 at 9 p.m. and this date at 11:30 a.m.
A woman reported that a man, unknown to her, ran out of a bar in the 10200 block of Jos. Campau with her purse. Police were able to locate the purse in the alley between Caniff and Trowbridge, but the suspect had fled. It wasn’t stated whether anything had been taken from the purse, nor was the suspect’s description given.
Officers responded to a call from a woman who stated that her ex-boyfriend had tried to force entry into her residence in the 2300 block of Burger and then, failing that, had ripped the electrical meter off of the side of the home, thereafter fleeing on foot. Officers found the man at Caniff and Jos. Campau, where he was arrested on multiple charges including domestic violence, destruction of property, possessing an open intoxicant and obstructing officers.
From Monday, April 16:
A woman came into the station to report that someone had damaged her 2003 Cadillac (no color/model given) sometime between April 13 at 5 p.m. and April 14 at 2 p.m., while it was parked in front of an address in the 3000 block of Lehman. It was not stated why she waited several days before reporting the incident.
An employee of a health care center in the 9400 block of Conant reported an assault case involving two patients at the facility.
From Tuesday, April 17:
The owner of a bar in the 2900 block of Jacob reported that someone broke out the front window of the building earlier on this date.
A man was arrested for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest by officers responding to a complaint of a man blocking traffic in an undisclosed block of Neibel.
Officers responding to an alarm at a building in the 12100 block of Jos. Campau found the glass broken on the front door. A subsequent review of security video footage by someone involved with the property revealed the suspect to be a white male wearing a black “hoodie” (no age or other description provided), who broke the window and entered the building.
A woman came into the station to report being stalked by a former boyfriend.
A woman reported that someone stole her wallet. No other details provided.
A number of cases of fraudulent car insurance and minor car accidents were listed for this date.
From Wednesday, April 18:
An employee at a bank in the 9300 block of Jos. Campau reported the cashing of two counterfeit checks by someone.
A woman living in the 5000 block of Caniff reported a window broken out on her residence.
A man was arrested for assaulting his 16-year-old girlfriend.
An employee at a pizzeria in the 9800 block of Jos. Campau reported being assaulted by someone known to her over a parking space outside the restaurant.
A renter living in the 2600 block of Yemans reported his landlord for illegally entering his residence approximately five times within a prior two-day period.
That’s it for this week, crime stoppers!