This week and next week’s issues of The Review will take a look back at the year 2014.
It’s always fun to read about the many things that have happened over the course of 12 months. And it never ceases to amaze us how much news is generated by such a small town.
Yes, we are a small town, but we are also smack dab in the middle of a major metropolitan city. You’d think we’d be swallowed up by Detroit, but no, Hamtramck packs a formidable punch.
We experience some heavy duty stuff here.
The annual review allows us time to reflect, to see where we did the right things and where we went off the tracks.
For the most part, Hamtramck enjoyed a good year.
However, we know this last year was trying for city officials as they remained sidelined by an Emergency Manager.
That EM, Cathy Square, just ended her job in mid-December. We now have a new city manager in place, and Hamtramck returns back to local control.
The financial crisis that put an EM here is over — officially at least.
One thing that cropped up over and over during the past year was complaints from local officials that they were kept out of the loop and that their voices were not being heard.
That’s one of the tough breaks when the state appoints an EM to take control.
One of the major tasks for the year ahead is to make sure Hamtramck remains financially stable. That’s going to take a lot of work.
We are optimistic that Hamtramck is up for the task. Here’s to a Happy New Year and a prosperous one as well.