Could it get any messier? While on the one hand we’re pleased that Hamtramck now has a new police chief on the way, the process in which it happened was…
A couple of years ago we reported that Hamtramck’s speeding laws were on shaky legal ground. A relatively new state law requires communities to first perform a traffic study before…
The resignation of City Councilmember Kazi Miah raises a number of concerns and questions. First and foremost, it looks like Miah had no intention of returning to the council when…
What are we to make of this week’s election for the city council and school board? This is one of those elections that certainly raises more questions than it answers.…
The city’s recent $1.6 million settlement from a basement flooding lawsuit filed by 200 residents has plenty of folks ticked off. And we don’t blame homeowners for being upset about…
Things are getting a little overheated in City Hall these days. By the accounts of some city officials, you’d think the city was on the brink of a financial collapse.…
In almost three weeks from today, Hamtramck voters will be heading to their precincts to vote who should serve on the City Council and School Board. Unfortunately for voters, this…
Despite these gloomy economic times, Hamtramck is enjoying a huge influx of federal cash. Fifteen million dollars worth. You can thank the Obama administration for this, because it’s part of…
If you run for public office, it’s expected that if you win and you agree to commit to the duties of that office. Recently, there has been growing criticism of…
When you get stuck with paying an extra $140 to $180 in property taxes this December, you can thank your neighbor. There are several hundred of them, actually, that you…