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Traffic tickets cause backlog for court

Traffic tickets cause backlog for court

By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck drivers, you can ease up … a little. A backlog of traffic tickets has led to putting the brakes on the Police Department’s overtime traffic patrol…

Traffic patrol program has a familiar ring to it

By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck’s reliance on traffic ticket fines is nothing new. And the fallout from it is a case of “déjà-vu all over again” (sorry Yogi Berra). Oh, where…

The new year already promises to be a page-turner

The new year already promises to be a page-turner

There’s a (moon out tonight) whoa-oh-oh ooo. Let’s go strollin’. There’s a (girl in my heart) whoa-oh-oh ooo. Whose heart I’ve stolen. There’s a moon out tonight, (Whoa-oh-oh ooo.) Let’s…

Could outsourcing save the city?

By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck city officials say they have no other options left to save the city money. They are now looking into the cost-savings of outsourcing police, fire and…

Councilman to bar: ‘Let them die’

Councilman to bar: ‘Let them die’

By Charles Sercombe When it comes to the patrons of the Shadow Bar who get into fights and shootings, City Councilmember Mohammed Hassan has this solution for police officers called…

School Board elects new president and faces year of challenges

By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck’s School Board has elected to go into a new direction. The board has changed leaders by deciding not to elect Titus Walters as president of the…

Town Hall meeting lays it on the table, but for some the writing is on the wall

Town Hall meeting lays it on the table, but for some the writing is on the wall

By Ian Perrotta By now you’ve probably seen it on TV or heard about it from someone else, but that doesn’t mean last Thursday’s (Jan. 6) Town Hall meeting is…

What they had to say at the Town Hall meeting

By Ian Perrotta “I’m not willing to pay any more taxes.” – Former City Councilmember Dr. Abdul Algazali, as he denounced the council and accused them of not making necessary…

For now, state loan is rejected

By Charles Sercombe It looks like Hamtramck will head straight into being broke by March. Four City Councilmembers formed a majority vote to reject applying for a $2.5 million state…

What’s ‘IN’ and ‘OUT’ this year? Read on

What’s ‘IN’ and ‘OUT’ this year? Read on

By Charles Sercombe We don’t know about you, but for many folks the year 2010 just flat out sucked. The economy was still in the crapper, more people lost their…