Wayne County Executive Robert Ficano and Mayor Karen Majewski (center) pose with other county officials for the grand opening of a new county health center on Jos. Campau.
By Charles Sercombe
“Obamacare” is now in Hamtramck.
Thanks to a $1.2 million grant through the Affordable Health Act, which was the centerpiece proposal of President Obama’s first term in office, Wayne County’s Department of Health and Human Services opened a medical clinic on Jos. Campau.
On Thursday, county and local officials held a grand opening at the clinic. County Executive Robert Ficano was on hand for the ribbon-cutting ceremony.
“The Hamtramck Health Center will enable residents to have a ‘medical home’ to receive regular, routine health care services instead of frequenting costly hospital emergency rooms for ailments best treated by a primary care physician,” said Ficano in a press release.
“It will help area families receive the quality health care they need and deserve regardless of their health insurance status.”
The clinic is located at 11447 Jos. Campau.
Those using the clinic will be charged depending on what their income is.
The county is also encouraging those with Medicaid and insurance to make the clinic their primary caregiver.