The week’s crime reports cover Dec. 27 through Jan. 1.
Thursday, Dec. 27:
At 11 p.m. a man was arrested at a house on Danforth St. for domestic abuse and possession of heroin.
A female employee at 18th Street Deli on Conant reported she was assaulted by her supervisor.
A vehicle reported stolen in Hamtramck was recovered by Detroit police.
Officers confiscated a shopping cart from a market on Holbrook. The cart was allegedly stolen.
Officers investigating a possible break-in at a house on the 3400 block of Comstock noticed that there was water leaking in the basement. Officers said there was about 6 inches of water. The Department of Public Works was notified.
A woman reported that a former neighbor had been repeatedly calling and harassing her.
A woman was arrested at CVS around 9:30 p.m. for disorderly conduct.
Friday, Dec. 28:
At 10:30 p.m., two teens were arrested during a traffic stop for curfew violation.
At 4 a.m., officers were sent to a house in the 11000 block of Sobieski where a break-in was in process. When officers arrived, the suspect was gone, but a porch window had been broken.
Officers assisted state police in the capture of a suspect fleeing the scene of an auto accident on northbound I-75.
Saturday, Dec. 29:
A man reported that his sister had died in her dwelling on the 2600 block of Holmes St.
An Evaline St. resident came to the police station to turn in a purse that was found.
A Florian St. resident was taken to a hospital to prevent a possible suicide.
Sunday, Dec. 30:
At about 12:15 a.m., a woman reported that a black male grabbed her purse while she was in front of her residence in the 12000 block of Mitchell St. The woman’s father ran after the suspect but when he caught up with the suspect he was assaulted. The suspect was seen getting into a Cadillac that had pulled up. The father continued his pursuit in his car but lost sight of the get-away vehicle in the Mt. Elliot-Huber area of Detroit.
Officers investigating a house alarm in the 2200 block of Alice noticed a bathroom window broken out and the front door unlocked. The owner of the house was notified. It was not immediately known if anything was stolen.
A report was taken regarding domestic violence at a residence on Winfield St.
A Caniff resident was arrested for obstructing police while officers were investigating a car crash at Caniff and Gallagher.
A domestic violence report was taken from a residence in the 2000 block of Trowbridge St.
A resident in the 11000 block of Fleming reported receiving harassing phone calls.
Monday, Dec. 31:
A man was arrested for domestic violence that occurred in the 9700 block of Dequindre.
A resident in the 11000 block of Lumpkin reported the driver’s side window of his 2002 Caravan was broken out.
A Hazel Park resident was arrested for having an illegally concealed handgun while police were investigating a report of a disorderly male at Alice and Lumpkin.
Tuesday, Jan. 1:
A man was arrested at a residence in the 12000 block of Selfridge St. for pointing a shotgun at a neighbor. Officers also said that when they came to the suspect’s residence, he answered the door with a fully-loaded shotgun.
A resident in the 11000 block of Klinger St. reported the rear window of his 1997 Toyota was shattered at approximately 1:45 a.m.
A Holbrook resident was arrested for brandishing a chef’s knife at a Trowbridge St. location.
A man was arrested for domestic violence that occurred at a residence in the 12000 block of Dequindre St.
At about 6:30 a.m., a woman reported that her ex-boyfriend had been stalking her.
A woman was arrested in the area of Jos. Campau and Lehman for possession of heroin.