By Alan “I Like Doughnuts Too” Madeleine
Taken from Hamtramck Police reports from Wednesday, Feb. 15 through Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2012.
From Wednesday, Feb. 15:
A man reported that (an) unknown person(s) broke a window at his residence in the 3800 block of Belmont.
A man was arrested on a Hamtramck warrant by officers investigating him for panhandling at the Mobil station at 2000 Caniff. He was also ticketed for possessing narcotics paraphernalia.
A man reported that someone stole the catalytic converter from off his vehicle in the 3000 block of Jacob.
Police are seeking a known suspect, a black man in his 20s, in connection with a confessed attempt to set his girlfriend’s mother’s car on fire. He had earlier in the day assaulted the girlfriend while in Detroit, about which she had filed a report with Detroit Police. The man had also made a threatening phone call to her, relating that he had “blown up (her) mom’s car,” and that he was “going to catch (her) on the street.”
From Thursday, Feb. 16:
A juvenile (gender not given) reported being assaulted while walking home from Hamtramck Academy. The juvenile was treated by EMS, and then released to his or her parents.
A man living in the 2600 block of Belmont reported that someone stole his mail-ordered medication from his mailbox.
A man reported that someone stole his cell phone while he was at Hamtramck High School.
From Friday, Feb. 17:
A man reported the theft of his 1999 Dodge Durango SUV from the parking lot of Johnny’s Pizza. Hamtramck police later discovered that the vehicle had already been found by Detroit Police.
A woman reported being harassed by her ex-boyfriend.
Two men were arrested after they were observed breaking the mirror off of a vehicle while it was parked on Holmes, near Mackay.
An employee at Hamtramck High School reported the theft of a laptop computer.
A woman reported the ongoing harassment of her daughter by a group of other girls while at Hamtramck Academy.
From Saturday, Feb. 18:
A person was arrested for carrying a concealed weapon following a traffic stop.
A woman living in the 2600 block of Casmere was arrested after being involved in a domestic dispute.
A man reported the theft of a catalytic converter from off his vehicle. (Come on, you thieves – do you want this town to smell like Ohio night and day? – Ed.)
A man who is an employee for 1st Community Development reported the theft of some building fixtures from a home in the 11600 block of Lumpkin.
A man reported that he received a counterfeit $50 bill from Steve’s Party Store at 2132 Caniff, however an employee there stated that she was the one who cashed his check, and that she gave him a legitimate bill. The man filing the original crime report had then caused a disturbance, and was asked to leave the store.
Two men were arrested at Walter’s, 12197 Conant, for trying to cash a stolen check.
From Sunday, Feb. 19:
Two men were arrested for disorderly conduct while in front of a Conant St. address.
The Director of Public Works was notified about an unsecured vacant house in the 2600 block of Holmes, and given a request to board it up. The Hamtramck Fire Department was at the scene dealing with a possible gas leak.
A woman reported that her boyfriend assaulted her while at a home in the 11500 block of Nagel.
From Monday, Feb. 20:
A man and woman were both arrested during a traffic stop, him for drunk driving and carrying a concealed weapon, her for also carrying a concealed weapon (a loaded handgun in her purse). (Reminds me of the old song by The Contours, “First I Look at the Handgun.” – Ed.)
A man living in the 3800 block of Caniff reported the theft of his washing machine while he was in the process of moving.
A Troy man reported the theft of his 2005 Ford van from where it had been parked in front of 11369 Sobieski.
A man living on the 11300 block of Gallagher reported that someone gained entry into his vehicle and stole the radio.
A woman living in the 2200 block of Edwin reported receiving harassing phone calls from someone known to her.
A man was arrested on a domestic violence charge in the 3900 block of Trowbridge after allegedly assaulting his wife, although officers observed no injuries to either party initially.
From Tuesday, Feb. 21:
The pastor of the New St. John Missionary Baptist Church at 3901 Miller reported that (an) unknown person(s) broke two of the church’s windows.
A man was arrested at Evaline & McDougall for drunk driving after being involved in an accident, and blowing a .12 and then a .13 on a Breathalizer test. His vehicle was turned over to his mother.
An investigator for Recon Management reported that he and Homeland Security joined forces to seize an unspecified quantity of DVDs and CDs from Star Wireless at 9839 Jos. Campau. (I’m sure it’s “all just a misunderstanding.” – Ed.)
A man reported that another man, known to him and against whom he has a pending legal case, confronted him near his home, and that he fears for his and his family’s safety.
A man reported that his former tenants took several appliances, the furnace, the air conditioner, kitchen and bathroom fixtures, and all the copper piping when they vacated the apartment. (What, they couldn’t get the drywall loose? – Ed.)
A woman reported that (an) unknown person(s) damaged her 1998 Honda Civic, location not given, today between 9:30 a.m. and 7 p.m.
A man was arrested for public intoxication in the 3200 block of Trowbridge. He refused to supply his name at the scene or while being booked, had no ID, and thus was booked as a “John Doe.”
Wednesday, Feb. 22:
A man reported that (an) unknown person(s) broke a window on the south side of his upper flat.
A man was arrested for drunk driving during a traffic stop at Carpenter and Jos. Campau. The vehicle was secured at City Hall.
A man reported at (an) unknown person(s) took his two city garbage cans.
A man was arrested for being disorderly/publicly intoxicated after being found lying in the alley behind Checkers Hamburgers at Faber and Jos. Campau and refusing to go home. He blew a .31 (Yikeys! – Ed.) He was then transported to Detroit Receiving Hospital by Hamtramck EMS because of his dangerously high blood alcohol content.
A man reported being robbed of $25 while in the area of Grayling and Lumpkin by a black male, described as being 5’6”, 160 lbs., with braided hair, wearing a gray jacket, black pants and brandishing a silver plated handgun. He stated that he had actually seen the suspect earlier in the day at the Sunoco service station at Jos. Campau and Roosevelt. Officers, following up on the lead, questioned a Sunoco employee, who stated that he, too, remembered the suspect being in the store earlier.