By Alan Madeleine
Taken from Hamtramck Police reports from between Wednesday, March 7, and Tuesday, March 13.
From Wednesday, March 7:
A vehicle that had been reported stolen in St. Clair Shores was recovered on Yemans, east of Jos. Campau, with the ignition punched out and damage to the driver’s side door.
A man reported that his 2002 Dodge (model/color not stated) was stolen from the area of Doremus and Buffalo.
A man came into the station to report that someone had fraudulently used his identity to obtain utility services.
A woman reported that she had accidently left her ATM card inside the machine at Huntington Bank at 9301 Jos. Campau on March 3, and someone had then used it to withdraw $500 from her account.
A woman in the 3000 block of Trowbridge reported that someone had broken out a window on her garage and then gained entry there, but didn’t appear to have taken anything.
From Thursday, March 8:
There was one (or more) windows broken out of (one or more) residence(s) in the 12000 block of St. Aubin, as well as an unlawful entry into an abandoned dwelling on the same block. It is unclear from the report exactly how many total homes were affected.
A woman was arrested for felony assault, possession of narcotics paraphernalia and obstruction following a dispute in which she threatened a man with a knife at a home in the 5000 block of Yemans.
A man reported being assaulted by a black male known to him only by a nickname (Trust us, it’s a good one. – Ed.)
Officers responded to a report of a deceased woman at a home on Jacob (no further address given).
A woman living in the 3000 block of Lehman reported that someone broke a window on her vehicle while it had been parked near her home.
A woman living in the 3800 block of Belmont reported that someone had broken into her home and stolen a computer, apparently during the previous night.
From Friday, March 9:
A juvenile male reported that he was assaulted by other juveniles while in Veterans Park. The suspects had all fled by the time police arrived.
Officers took a report of a broken front window at a cellular phone store in the 12000 block of Jos. Campau.
Officers recovered a vehicle that had been reported stolen near Conan and Caniff. The vehicle was turned over to the owner.
From Saturday, March 10:
Officers investigated a door, which was noted as being open, at a vacant home in the 3900 block of Belmont. They secured the door as best they could.
A resident of a home in the 3800 block of Trowbridge reported that someone appeared to have pried at the rear door to her home.
While investigating a suspicious fire at a home in the 3200 block of Yemans, officers found several firearms and some ammunition. No further information was given.
A man came into the station, to report a case of fraudulent identity theft against him, in which someone opened a Dish Network account in his name, and also filed 2010 and 2012 taxes using his identity.
From Sunday, March 11:
Officers responded to a large fight around 12:30 a.m. near Conant and Belmont, and confiscated a pellet gun.
A woman in the 3400 block of Caniff reported being assaulted by her boyfriend.
Two men were arrested for possessing some pills, suspected marijuana and open intoxicants at an address in the 2600 block of Commor by officers investigating a disturbance. One of the two men was also later charged with malicious destruction of police property for tearing a security camera in his cell off the wall. (“I said, ‘No pictures!!’” – Ed.)
A man was arrested following a disturbance at a restaurant in the 11400 block of Jos. Campau, in which he assaulted employees who had awakened him after he had fallen asleep in one of the restaurant’s booths. (He probably just had eaten too much turkey, or… something. –Ed.)
Officers took a domestic violence report at a place in the 12000 block of Dequindre.
A juvenile (gender not stated) was arrested for domestic violence at a home in the 2200 block of Edwin. He/she was transported to the Wayne Juvenile Facility.
A teal-blue colored mirror was entered into evidence after being recovered from the site of a hit-and-run accident in the 3300 block of Edwin.
From Monday, March 12:
A man and two women were arrested for fighting at a bar in the 11600 block of Jos. Campau. The man was wanted on a prior arrest warrant, and the women were cited for fighting and open intoxicants.
A juvenile male was arrested after he attempted to cash three stolen money orders at various party stores around town. He was turned over to the care of his mother.
A woman reported that some of the occupants of a white vehicle threw eggs at her home on Fleming.
A man and a woman said that someone, known to them, deliberately struck the man’s vehicle with another car on Caniff near Nagel. The suspect had been harassing the woman because she had refused to date him.
A resident at a home in the 12000 block of McDougall reported that someone had taken her entire garage door. No other property appeared to be missing.
From Tuesday, March 13:
A man reported that he was assaulted by two other men while at a restaurant in the 8700 block of Jos. Campau. The suspects fled.
A person reported that their (Yes! You guessed it! – Ed.) catalytic converter was stolen from off their 2009 Honda Element while it was parked in front of an address in the 9000 block of Jos. Campau.
A woman living in the 3000 block of Holbrook reported that someone damaged her vehicle (no description given) while it was parked near her home.
A man reported that someone used his credit card fraudulently to make a purchase at Best Buy.
A man was arrested at Jos. Campau near Holmes for assaulting his girlfriend and for an outstanding Hamtramck warrant.