By Alan Madeleine
This week’s Crime Log was compiled from police reports from between Thursday, Feb. 23 to Wednesday, Feb. 29.
Thursday, Feb. 23:
A man reported that he was assaulted with a set of keys by another man, known to him, following a work-related argument over who would be taxi-cab president. (Fellas! Try not to be complete Republicans here! – Ed.)
Officers towed an unregistered vehicle from in front of a house on 3000 block of Belmont, after neighbors complained that the car alarm had been going off for about an hour, and no owner could be located to turn it off.
A woman living on the 11300 block of McDougall reported that someone, who was known to her, stole a collection of rare coins from her.
A man reported his vehicle stolen from the area of Casmere and Jos. Campau. Make and model not given in report.
A woman reported that her ex-husband picked up their daughter from a bus stop, in violation of a custody agreement. This allegedly occurred the day before at about 7:30 a.m. He is allegedly refusing to return the child.
A woman reported damage to her vehicle while it was parked in the 9300 block of Jos. Campau.
A woman living in the 3000 block of Hanley reported that someone stole a pair of tennis shoes from her back porch. (Someone, stop the tennis shoe madness! – Ed.)
Officers arrested a man on Conant near Caniff because he assaulted a juvenile.
Friday, Feb. 24:
A man reported the theft of his Playstation 3 from his residence in the 2200 block of Grayling.
A woman reported that someone had attempted to force entry into her residence in the 12000 block of Selfridge.
A woman came into the station to report a case of identity theft.
A man reported that someone had stolen his vehicle while it was parked near an address in the 3900 block of Prescott. No description of the vehicle given.
A man reported the theft of copper piping from the basement of his rental property in the 2600 block of Holbrook.
Saturday, Feb. 25:
Officers responded to a domestic situation in the 11700 block of Mitchell.
Officers took a report of the theft of two wheels from off of a vehicle in the 11300 block of Lumpkin.
A woman residing in the 11600 block of Mitchell reported that she is being harassed by an unknown male caller.
A man reported that reported that his 2003 Dodge Caravan, color not given, was taken from where it was parked in front of 2022 Trowbridge.
A man walked into the station to file a report that he had been assaulted by two other men who were known to him while he was at the Polish National Alliance Hall at 10211 Conant. Officers investigated at the address, but the two suspects were gone. Officers noted swelling and bruising to the victim’s mouth. (Sounds like they were operating at opposite “poles”… — Ed.)
Officers transported one stray pitbull from 12173 Jos. Campau, where it had been blocking a doorway, to the Westland Humane Society, then about an hour and a half later, corralled and transported two more dogs of the same breed from the 2600 block of Commor to the same location. (What, did a truckload of them overturn? Seriously, though, people – deal with your dogs properly, how about it? – Ed.)
From Sunday, Feb. 26:
A man was arrested for disorderly conduct, following an altercation in front of the BHA Hall at 2320 Caniff.
A person reported being assaulted by an Arabic man unknown to him, while in the vicinity of Jos. Campau and Pulaski.
A man was arrested for assaulting his girlfriend in the 2300 block of Norwalk.
A man came into the station to report the theft of a Ruger LC9 9mm handgun from a lockbox in his bedroom, address not specified. He reported no damage to the lockbox, nor any signs of having been broken into.
A woman stated that her 1998 Ford Explorer (color not given), license plate number CHG 8520, was apparently stolen while in the possession of another person known to her, who had left the car running in the parking lot of the Red Caboose Wine Shop at Holbrook and Brombach while he had ducked into the store.
A man was arrested in the 5100 block of Yemans on a warrant, by officers responding to a complaint about his numerous extra vehicles creating a parking issue. Three Nissan vehicles of differing models were all towed away.
A woman was arrested in the 11700 block of Dyar for aggravated assault after stabbing her male roommate in the right leg during an argument. The man was transported to Detroit Receiving Hospital by Hamtramck EMS.
Officers responded to an altercation between two women in the 12000 block of Selfridge, concerning the alleged prior assault of one woman’s son earlier in the day. No obvious injuries were observed on either party, and both refused EMS help.
A man came into the station to report that two other persons, both known to him and sharing the same last name (the report does not specify whether they were related), made a harassing phone call to him, threatening to damage his vehicle.
From Monday, Feb. 27:
A person, gender unclear, living in the 2600 block of Neibel, was arrested while at Neibel and Mackay for possession of suspected cocaine.
A man reported that someone had entered his residence in the 3000 block of Evaline and stolen some property. Exact nature of property not specified in the police log.
Two men were arrested for possession of crack cocaine after a traffic stop at Nagel and Commor, and their 2006 Suzuki Aerio was impounded.
A man came into the station to report the suspected theft of his 2005 Dodge Caravan, temporary plate not listed, from where the vehicle had been parked on Jos. Campau and Danforth.
A woman was arrested following a domestic dispute with her husband in the 3300 block of Holbrook. The husband had sustained an injury to his face, and was transported to Detroit Receiving Hospital by Hamtramck EMS; he was therefore not arrested at this time.
Officers responded to a woman who claimed she had taken an overdose of some unspecified pills while at a home in the 2000 block of Belmont, stating that she wanted to harm herself. She was transported to the Detroit Receiving Hospital Crisis Center by ambulance.
From Tuesday, Feb. 28:
Officers responded to a domestic dispute at a residence in the 2300 block of Botsford.
A man reported the fraudulent use of his bank card.
A man reported that someone has been fraudulently picking up his prescriptions from Tel-Ford Medical.
A man reported his vehicle stolen (no description given) from an address in the 2600 block of Holbrook.
A woman reported that her daughter had been assaulted by three black males, unknown to her, while walking home.
From Wednesday, Feb. 29:
Officers took a report the previous evening related to the kidnapping (with shots exchanged) of two women, by the ex-boyfriend of one of the women, at the residence of that woman, her mother and stepfather in the 2200 block of Andrus. See story on front page.
A woman reported being assaulted by a man known to her while at her home in the 2200 block of Danforth.
A woman reported her home in the 3800 block of Trowbridge having been broken into late Tuesday night.
The pastor of the New Saint John Missionary Baptist Church at 3901 Miller reported that, for the second time in about a week, someone threw a piece of concrete through a window on the upper part of the northwest side of the church.
A woman came into the station to report that someone had used her social security number to file a tax return.
A man came into the station to report that someone had stolen his 2004 Pontiac Montana minivan, license plate 2KLA19, sometime today just before 3:00 p.m. while it was parked on Brombach between Florian and Poland.
Warren Police recovered a 2005 Ford Econoline van from 11825 8 Mile Rd. which had been reported stolen in Hamtramck. The vehicle was turned over to its owner.
A man reported that someone took the catalytic converter off of his 2003 Honda Element while it was parked at the Corinthian Baptist Church at 1725 Caniff between 2 and 3 p.m. today. (I would be suspicious of the first guy that opens a used catalytic converter store. – Ed.)
Well, that’s it for this week, kiddies. Be safe!