By Alan “McGruff” Madeleine
From Sunday, Jan. 29:
A man was arrested for assault and battery following an incident in the 2600 block of Holmes.
A woman reported the theft of her green Dodge Caravan, year not given, from in front of her residence in the 5000 block of Evaline.
Police reported the recovery of two previously stolen vehicles, a black 2003 Dodge pickup and a black 2003 Hummer.
A man reported that (an) unknown person(s) tried to kick in his door, address not given. Officers noted and recorded damage to said door.
From Monday, Jan. 30:
A man was arrested while driving a vehicle that had been reported stolen from North Carolina. The vehicle was impounded.
A male juvenile was arrested and taken to the Wayne County youth home after his mother reported that he assaulted her with a hammer.
A woman reported that an unknown suspect used her Social Security number to obtain a job at K-Mart (Wow, they are desperate!).
Another woman reported that her identity had been stolen, particularly her Social Security number, and that the IRS is now stating that she owes them money.
A woman reported that (an) unknown person(s) broke a window out of the crawl space of her home in the 3000 block of Hanley.
A man reported that (an) unknown person(s) broke into his vehicle, a BMW, while it was parked in the 9500 block of Jos. Campau. His iPod was taken.
A man came into the station wanting to confess to a robbery that police subsequently determined did not occur. The man then stated that he is schizophrenic, and felt he wanted to hurt himself or others. He was committed to Detroit Receiving Hospital’s Crisis Center.
From Tuesday, Jan. 31:
A man was arrested for domestic violence in the 2300 block of Whalen.
Michigan State Police recovered a Chevy Caprice reported stolen from Hamtramck.
A man was arrested for domestic violence and violating a PPO after he assaulted his ex-girlfriend at a home in the 11500 block of Fleming.
Two separate reports of burglary were reported from two different residences at the same address. The first man reported entry through a back door, and his Toshiba laptop being taken. The second man reported entry through a front door, and his barber equipment being taken.
From Wednesday, Feb. 1:
A man was arrested on a Wayne County Friend of the Court warrant after being involved in a disturbance at a home in the 11400 block of Jos. Campau.
The DPW reported that a window had been broken out of a Water Dept. vehicle the day before.
A man was arrested on multiple warrants for aggravated assault, and also for failing to register as a sex offender.
An employee of Keg & Bottle at 11611 Jos. Campau reported witnessing a man steal a bag of chips from the store. About an hour later, a man came into the police station to report that he had been assaulted at Keg & Bottle, whereupon it was determined by police that he was the suspect in the earlier theft. He was booked for shoplifting and possession of a small amount of marijuana. (Darwin Award candidate!)
A woman reported that her dog was attacked by a neighbor’s dog, and sustained injuries in the 3200 block of Trowbridge. The neighbor was not home at the time.
From Thursday, Feb. 2:
A man was arrested on a domestic violence charge following an incident at his residence on Danforth.
A woman was arrested for felony assault following a domestic dispute at her residence on McDougall.
A man was arrested on a Detroit felony warrant in the 11000 block of Dyer.
Three people at the same address in the 11300 block of Klinger, living in different residences there, reported damage by (an) unknown person(s): In two cases, windows in the residences were broken, and in the third, the person’s vehicle was damaged.
Police discovered a break-in had occurred at an abandoned house in the 11400 block of Dyar.