By Alan Madeleine
Crime Log is a compilation of the more interesting or informative items taken from Hamtramck Police Reports for the dates between Thursday, Aug. 3 and Wednesday, Aug. 9.
From Thursday, Aug. 3:
At 12:20 a.m., two men reported that they were robbed and then carjacked, at gunpoint, by two black males (no further description given). The stolen car was a 2000 Chevrolet Cavalier, license plate CFR 3605.
A man reported that a black male stole his bicycle while he was at 8360 Jos. Campau.
A man and woman were arrested after a traffic stop because the 2000 Chevy Silverado SUV they were driving had been reported stolen from Detroit. The car was impounded, and Detroit Police notified of the vehicle’s recovery.
At 3:49 a.m., a woman reported that her juvenile female was sexually assaulted in the Hamtramck Housing complex where they live.
A woman living in the 12000 block of Grand Haven reported that someone damaged her vehicle at around 3:30 p.m., while it was parked near her home.
From Friday, Aug. 4:
A man living in the 11600 block of Moran reported damage done to his truck.
A woman reported that two white males posing as electrical workers stole an unknown amount of cash after being allowed into her home (no address given).
(We received no crime log for Saturday, Aug. 5, even after calling to request that it be resent.)
From Sunday, Aug. 6:
At 11 p.m. on the previous evening (Saturday), a resident in the 3800 block of Dorothy reported a suspicious vehicle. No description given, nor why it was thought to be suspicious.
At 7:45 a.m., a man was arrested for animal cruelty, after being observed dragging a pit bull-boxer mix dog by its neck at Holbrook and Gallagher. The dog was transported to the Humane Society, as it appeared malnourished, and had sores on its body.
A resident of Gable St. reported the theft of her 2004 Ford Escape, license plate BNL 9677, from the area of Jos. Campau and Pulaski sometime between Aug. 3 at 10:30 p.m. and Aug. 4 at 8 a.m.
From Monday, Aug. 7:
At about 10 p.m. on Sunday evening, a man reported that an older white male dumped a garbage can full of flowers on his vehicle.
Right before midnight, a man living in the 3100 block of Lehman reported that someone broke his residence, stealing multiple radiators.
A man was arrested at an address in the 2300 block of Zinow after being observed stealing a purse while he was at a bar in the 12000 block of Jos. Campau.
A man reported that a window was broken out of his 1998 Dodge (model not given) while it was parked in front of the same bar.
A man living in the 9300 block of Charest reported a lawnmower and snowblower stolen from his garage.
The owner of a car repair shop in the 8500 block of Jos. Campau reported being robbed at gunpoint, before 9 a.m., by three black males wearing masks, one armed with a black Uzi-style machine gun who assaulted him and demanded his wallet, cell phone and car keys; another with a black handgun, and a third man. The suspects took his 2002 Buick Regal, license plate BRF 3863.
A man who lives on Lumpkin reported being struck across the cheek by someone using an unknown object, while at Caniff and Conant yesterday at 10 p.m. The suspect then took his wallet and iPhone. Victim was unable to provide any better description of his assailant.
From Tuesday, August 7:
A woman attempted to steal a package of diapers from a drug store in the 9300 block of Jos. Campau. She then put them down by the door when confronted. The item does not say whether she was caught up to or arrested.
A woman living on Dwyer reported that, while at Conant and Caniff, a black male about 20 to 22 years old, wearing his hair in an afro and with a moustache, ran up to her and grabbed her necklace from off her neck, knocking her to the ground in the process. Suspect fled to a waiting black Crown Victoria with a gold interior. Hamtramck EMS treated the victim at the scene.
From Wednesday, August 8:
At 2:09 a.m., a woman living in the 11400 block of St. Aubin reported awakening from where she was sleeping on her couch to find a black man she did not know, wearing a yellow shirt, in her kitchen. He fled upon being seen.
A woman reported the theft of her 2007 Dodge Caliber, license plate CBF 1689, from in front of an address in the 11700 block of Gallagher sometime overnight.
A woman living in the 3200 block of Hanley reported that someone stole some gardening tools from her back yard.
A man noticed a black 1998 Mercury that matched the description of a vehicle used in a strong-arm robbery yesterday. The vehicle was impounded.
A 14-year-old juvenile male was arrested after he crashed a car he was driving.
At 10 p.m., a man reported the theft of his bike from in front of a pizza carry-out in the 11400 block of Jos. Campau.
In addition, Hamtramck Police made the following arrests: One on their own warrant, as well as picking up someone from Wayne County (Div. 111) on their warrant, and taking possession of an arrestee from Highland Park on a Hamtramck warrant; three during investigations into suspected domestic assault, as well as one during an unspecified assault; one for open intoxicants on the street; on for minor in possession; they also made the following arrests during traffic stops: two for open intoxicants (one person was passed out in their vehicle); one for driving on a suspended license; one for drunk driving; one for reckless driving; two for phony license plates; one for failure to return a vehicle and possession of suspected narcotics; and two for never even obtaining a drivers’s license, including one with narcotics possession charges as well.
In addition, officers took the following reports: five for assault by a known person, including one where a woman’s car was damaged by a drunk boyfriend who threw a bottle at it; one of theft of property from a workplace; one of fraud at a business; one of threatening phone calls by a known other party; and one of money withdrawn from a person’s bank account.
They investigated another report of assault, as well as one of destruction of property; six car accidents plus one involving property damage; two deaths in person’s homes; an open door on a building; and they recovered one stolen vehicle, as well as taking possession of another found by Detroit Police; lastly, they took possession of a money card someone turned in that had been found at Huntington Bank.