By Charles Sercombe
For the past week, the buzz around city hall has been about the FBI investigation into city contractor invoices.
Last Friday, it was reported by two television news stations that an FBI agent had visited city hall earlier in the day. Apparently to the two TV stations this was news to them.
But actually, the FBI has been investigating here for the past several months, ever since the council invited the FBI to take a look at some invoices that didn’t seem to add up right.
The investigation came about after the city council reviewed an audit performed by an outside company of four major city contractors. Some of the billings from two contractors raised some questions.
In one heated exchange among councilmembers, Robert Zwolak blurted out that the city should call in the FBI. Acting City Manager Kyle Tertzag later agreed that an outside agency should take a look at the invoices.
He recommended the state police or the FBI.
The council eventually settled on the FBI. That was back in October. Flash forward to last week and the question was: Where is the investigation heading?
For some, it has raised the question of who would likely be indicted.
This week, The Review went to press earlier than usual, and by Wednesday afternoon there had been no FBI sightings.