By Charles Sercombe
Now that Hamtramck has a new acting city manager, residents may be wondering what financial changes will be coming down the pike.
A few weeks ago, the city council abruptly fired Acting City Manager Erik Tungate, or it should be said, accepted his resignation.
The council appointed Finance Director Nevrus Nazarko as the new acting city manager. He said he will let whoever is hired as the permanent city manager come up with a deficit reduction plan.
Nazarko said that no matter what, property owners are going to be hit with extra costs because there are no other revenue sources to turn to.
The city is facing a $3.5 million projected budget deficit by this time next year.
Nazarko said he expects a permanent city manager will be hired and on the job within a month.
The city has posted the job, and there are over a dozen applications. A council sub-committee is in place to start screening the candidates to whittle that list down to the top-five candidates.
In the meantime, Nazarko said he is negotiating contracts with the city employees’ union, AFSCME 666, and will be talking with firefighters about concessions.
The city is also seeking a state loan to help with cash flow and avoid payless paydays. Nazarko said the city’s official application will be submitted to state officials within a week.