Food fraud busts give community a black eye

Just how deep does food stamp fraud go in this community?
Considering last week’s raid on several local markets, it appears to be a common practice.
This is a black eye to the city as it struggles to transition from being under the control of an emergency manager to local control. Hamtramck has benefitted from the goodwill of many in the state to make sure we remain financially sound.
We are now known to be a den of corrupt behavior by some of our business owners. If those who were busted and charged with fraud are eventually found guilty, we hope the court will be severe in its punishment.
One thing Hamtramck cannot afford is to be considered a lawless town.
But until there are convictions, it must be stressed that those charged are considered innocent until proven guilty.
In the meantime, we urge further investigations into the dealings of our business community who are involved in government programs. Hamtramck can’t afford to play host to those who take advantage of our social safety net and the low-income folks who depend on it.


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