Hike in water fees will be money well spent

Like it or not, we have to fix up our city.
In the upcoming months it’s likely we will see an extra fee tacked onto our water bills in order to fund needed – and way overdue – repairs to our sewer system.
Hamtramck’s basement flooding is well known, and after two major floodings homeowners filed a class action lawsuit against the city to force the issue.
Because of that case, the court has ordered the city to begin making repairs. But since the city doesn’t have millions of dollars on hand, it has to pass on the cost to us.
It’s not yet known what the fee increase is going to be until $7 million worth of bonds is purchased by the city. That will take a few months to put together.
Our sewer system is old and breaking down. It should have also been connected to a much larger system that runs under Conant, which was built in the 1950s.
Voters had a chance to connect with that sewer line back in the 1950s but foolishly rejected it.
We have suffered the consequences of that action for decades.
It will cost us more money in the near future, but in the long run it will be money well spent.

7 Responses to Hike in water fees will be money well spent

  1. Resident

    July 6, 2015 at 2:59 pm

    Fee. Fee. Fee. Tax. Tax. Tax. Never ending Fees and Taxes.

    How about grants? Has anyone ever tried that? Fed has got to have some money sitting somewhere waiting for the right municipality, Hamtramck, to come along!!!

  2. Jim

    July 7, 2015 at 1:13 pm

    We still pay for it. Where do you think the federal government gets its money. And yes, they did try to get grants. If you ever attended a city council meeting, you would know that.

  3. Rockin in the Free World

    July 11, 2015 at 5:19 am

    Not much of an article here but rather a propaganda statement as to why we have no choice but to accept ANOTHER hike in water bills??? We just had a hike last year peeps! So what are they going to tack on an extra thousand a year? Sounds like that won’t even do it. Hamtramck you need to just be Detroit. I know the white supremists won’t like that but their time needs to end.

  4. Del

    July 12, 2015 at 6:10 pm

    Right on Rockin and I’m not black either. Hamtramck needs to give up the ghost and let Detroit take over. Our council, law enforcement need a wake up shake up…they both need to GO. Bring in Detroit. Chief Craig seems to be doing a great job. I’m sick and tired of paying “judgement fees for violations, lost court cases, etc” by the incompetents from the mayor down.

  5. csercombe

    July 12, 2015 at 7:13 pm

    Rockin, just to make it clear, this is an editorial, an opinion — not a news story. Thanks for your comment.

  6. Resident

    July 14, 2015 at 12:14 pm

    This resident wonders why is the Review a big fan of tax and fees and more tax and more fees!!!!

    Hamtramck had a population of 49000, 43000, and 34000 in 1940s, 50s, and 60s – way more people than now. Did the sewer system fail back then? This resident doesn’t believe so. The people of 50s are right in rejecting thousands of dollars in wasteful spending. This resident applauds them.

    How well is the sewer system maintained? Is it a new FEE/TAX question?

  7. Allam

    July 14, 2015 at 3:31 pm

    Stop thinking Resident;
    Don’t you know that the survival of The Review newspaper depends on city government subsidizing them with advertisment.

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