By John Ulaj
The Review just held its 5th annual Christmas blowout! As the publisher, I am honored to have served our many wonderful guests, and to have helped make this another memorable experience for all.
This one will definitely go into the annals of the history of The Review. Due to the popularity of this event, we moved the party this year to Polonia Restaurant’s upstairs hall. The guests were treated to some awe-inspiring music, performed both by Gary Sacco (who excels in presenting the songs of Frank Sinatra) and local legend Danny D (who does the same for Rod Stewart’s catalog).
We were once again graced by the presence of some special guests: Wayne County Executive Robert Ficano, and his wife Jumana. They seemed to have the time of their lives. The pair talked about how great they think Hamtramck is, and mused on the city’s rich cultural diversity.
I do not mean to slight or forget the many other outstanding guests and friends that contributed to the success of this evening. This yearly traditional celebration is, in fact, mainly in appreciation of our many advertisers and supporters.
I also want to specially acknowledge Mayor Karen Majewski, Judge Paul Paruk, and Councilmembers Robert Zwolak, Cathie Gordon, and Andrea Karpinski; and Hamtramck Schools Superintendant Tom Niczay, School Board Members Alan and Hedy Shulgon, and School Board President Titus Walters for spending the evening with us.
It’s important to me to keep on hosting festive gatherings like this, and promoting our exciting city, which is so full of vitality and so rich in culture. Hamtramck is truly a little gem, and many wonderful and exciting things are starting to unfold in this city right before our eyes.
Be happily forewarned my friends: development — and prosperity — are on the horizon. This coming year we will have repaved streets, improved infrastructure, and lots of reconstruction.
‘Tis the season to invest in Hamtramck – don’t be afraid to do so, whether it be through your money, your time, or your tireless promoting.
Here, I want to remember to thank the owner of Polonia Restaurant, John Zurowski, for making our evening so very special; for providing exceptional service, and for presenting some of the best polish food in the city.
To conclude, let me add that I truly believe — and thus, wish to restate — the words spoken at this year’s event by Wayne County Executive Robert Ficano: “Indeed, Hamtramck is a great city, and I truly love it.”
Merry Christmas to you and yours, and a Happy New Year as well!