Like loud mufflers? It’ll cost you

By Charles Sercombe
Hate the sound of jacked-up mufflers that are modified to be ear-splittingly loud?
Unless you’re in a certain sub-category of young males, that would probably be a resounding “yes.”
You can relax a bit, though. Hamtramck is following other communities’ leads, and doing something about it.
Recently, the city council passed a resolution outlawing the modified mufflers.
The resolution read, in part:
“… Modified exhaust systems creating excessive noise levels disturb the peace and pose a nuisance to the community, impacting residents’ health, comfort, and general welfare; and it is the responsibility of the city to protect the well-being of its residents by promoting a peaceful and quiet environment. …”
The council specifically directed City Manager Max Garbarino to:
o Take whatever necessary actions to give relief to the residents on this matter
o Utilize extra overtime funds, if necessary, to create a dedicated traffic task force to aid in compliance
o Work with the police department to raise awareness about these laws and ordinances, and the associated penalties, to encourage compliance and promote a quieter, safer community environment

Modified mufflers are what’s called an “after-market” item, and they can cost upward of $400, not including installation. In some instances, they may actually improve a vehicle’s mileage. They also appeal to some drivers specifically due to their growling noise factor.
For many others, it’s basically noise pollution that startles other drivers and pedestrians.
Besides being extremely loud and upsetting, these mufflers are also illegal in Michigan. The law states:
“A person shall not modify, repair, replace, or remove a part of an exhaust system causing the motor vehicle to which the system is attached to produce noise in excess of the levels established by this act, or operate a motor vehicle so altered on a street or highway.”
So, a person might ask: If modified mufflers are illegal, why can they be sold?
Well, it’s because it’s not actually illegal to sell them. Where the responsibility comes in is being the person who owns the car.
As for enforcement, Councilmember Mohammed Hassan said he is concerned about how officers are going to prove the noise is excessive.
Police Chief Jamiel Altaheri said that officers can issue tickets based on observation alone.
So, who likes these mufflers?
Brace yourself.
According to the National Library of Medicine “A desire for a loud car with a modified muffler is predicted by being a man and higher scores on psychopathy and sadism.”
As for Hamtramck, Chief Altaheri said: “There is so much going on in our city because of these young guys, because we are not enforcing it.”
He added: “In a small town like Hamtramck, I don’t think we need those (mufflers).”
The penalty for having a modified muffler is a civil infraction and costs about $100 and up, and keeps increasing the more you violate it.
Posted Dec. 13, 2024

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