Our online version just got a makeover

By Charles Sercombe
As the saying goes, if you don’t toot your own horn no one else will.
So, here goes.
What’s all the noise about?

We recently re-launched our website (at www.thehamtramckreview.com) and now it’s crispy clean and easier to use, thanks to web expert and documentary-maker Terry Murphy. And to make the new site even sweeter, we have included Murphy’s documentary on “Hamtramck Disneyland,” the collection of whirligigs created by Dmytro Szylak of Klinger St.

Szylak has been the subject of numerous film features throughout the years, and we thought it was only appropriate to revisit the soon-to-be 90-year-old auto retiree as we introduce our new web site.

Coming up will be a number of other mini-documentaries by Murphy who is going to be scouring the town for stories. If you have an idea for one, give us a call at (313) 874-2100.

On the site, you can read the entire print issue as well as news and feature stories from our archives. And speaking of archives, we will be updating those in the weeks to come.

We’re also going through more of our photos, and we will be offering them for view in the near future.

You can comment on our stories, but to do so, you must first type in your name (or make up one if you want to remain anonymous) and your email. We’re sorry about that inconvenience, but it’s a small way to prevent spam (which is another way to say junk mail).

If you have any suggestions or comments about the website we‘d love to hear them. You can always reach us by email at hamtramckreview@yahoo.com or give us an old-fashioned telephone call at (313) 874-2100.

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