By Charles Sercombe
You can feel a bit safer walking Jos. Campau during the first of the month, thanks to a federal grant.
Hamtramck police are able to tap into a Justice Department grant given to the city’s Weed & Seed Committee to assign two extra officers every few days each month starting now through the year.
The officers will walk up and down Jos. Campau. The patrols are two-pronged: to allow officers to establish more contact with business owners and help prevent larcenies and handbag thefts that occur during the first of every month.
That’s the time when seniors receive social security checks and go to banks to make deposits and withdrawals. Seniors have become frequent targets for criminals.
“We hope to be a visible deterrent,” said Sgt. Walter Tripp, who oversees special assignments and works with the Weed & Seed Committee.