Presidential primary election is coming up



By Charles Sercombe
Get ready to vote.
Next Tuesday (March 10) is the Michigan presidential primary election, which also features a millage proposal for the Detroit Institute of Arts.
While the majority of media coverage has focused on the Democratic presidential candidates, there are two challengers, at least here in Michigan, running on the Republican side: Joe Walsh and Bill Weld, although the Hamtramck ballot also includes Mark Sanford.
President Donald Trump, of course, is also on the ballot.
On the Democratic side, it appears wide open, but the field of candidates has narrowed daily this week.
At the time we went to press, the Democratic candidates left were: Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Tulsi Gabbard.
Sanders had been leading the pack of candidates, but since this past Super Tuesday election, Biden is now in the lead.
Since the Hamtramck ballots were mailed out several weeks ago to those voting absentee, if you already voted and your candidate has since dropped out, you can revote.
Simply call the city clerk’s office and request to have your ballot spoiled.
The DIA millage is a renewal request for 0.2 mills (or 20 cents for every $1,000 of your property’s taxable value). For most households that equals about $10 to $20 per year.
Voters previously OK’d the millage eight years ago, and the current millage is good for another two years.
DIA supporters wanted to get an early start on seeking a renewal for another 10 years. They say a renewal is needed because Detroit slashed funding to the institute.
The millage is being decide by voters in three counties: Wayne, Oakland and Macomb.
If the millage is passed, residents in those three counties can continue to enjoy free admission to the museum for an additional 10 years.
The DIA is considered one of the top art museums in the country.
Don’t like the Democratic and Republican candidates, or simply have no interest? There is a ballot for those who want to vote only on the millage.
No matter what. You can choose only one ballot to vote on.
Also new: if you are not registered as a voter, you can now do so on election day. You must be at least 18 years old, be a citizen, and also prove you live in Hamtramck, if that is where you are registering.
Polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m.
March 6, 2020

One Response to Presidential primary election is coming up

  1. James McGahhey

    March 10, 2020 at 9:01 am

    LOL on running against Trump. The GOP will only endorse Trump.

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