Program offers free windows, doors and paint job for old houses

If you live in a house built before 1978 – and in Hamtramck that means most houses – you may qualify for some major repairs.

The catch is, there must be young children or a pregnant woman living in the house to qualify. Applicants must also meet household income guidelines.

If you do qualify, you may be able to get new windows and doors, a new paint job or a cleanup of lead hazards.

Houses built before 1978 were most likely painted with lead-based paint, which when it cracks and peels becomes a hazard to young kids who might think the paint chips are potato chips and eat them.

The household income guideline is actually generous. A household of two must have an income of no more than $44,750, for three, $50,350 and for four, $55,900. To find out more about the income guidelines – or any other information — call (734) 727-7206.

Applications for the program will be accepted this Monday (May 3), starting at 6 p.m. at People’s Community Services Center, 8625 Jos. Campau.

You must bring the following: copies of a driver’s license or state ID, social security number, proof of income, rental agreement, homeowner’s insurance certificate and current property tax payment.

The program is being administered by Leadsafe Wayne County.

2 Responses to Program offers free windows, doors and paint job for old houses


    June 29, 2012 at 7:34 pm


  2. madison

    November 28, 2012 at 7:38 am

    Hello to whom it may concern ;
    I am writing to ask for your help I have a disaled friend who needs help she is freezing in her home as I write you this letter ! She is in the need for 9 windows she can’t get help or buy any kind of windows ; doors ; or get help to make the house warm ; it is not an old house it is going to be 11 years old in Nov. 21 of 2012 . I don’t know if there is anyway shape or form that you or anyone else can or will help her ; but I am asking you very kindly to please help her get help she has called Hud ; she has called Habitat for humanity and all the other places that she was told to call ; and no one at all will help her . she is very ; very low in come she is a disabled lady with a spinal cord injury and she had cancer surgery this year more than one . I would like to ask you to help her pretty please . thank you kindly . you may email me back ASAP If you would be so kind as to do so thank you very much for your time and any & all help that you can give to this lovely lady . thank you very much for your time & understanding .

    Madison D.

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