What is going on in the world of state education?
The Hamtramck Public School District is going to lose over $700,000 because it has two underperforming schools.
Yes, you read that right, because the district has two schools that didn’t do well in state tests, the district will lose money.
Just how will taking away money from a district that needs help make it get better?
Leave it to the folks in state’s Department of Education to come up with this solution. The thinking is that money will go toward the costs of bringing in experts who will turn the schools around.
Boy, those must be some super special, and high-priced, experts. We bet for all that money, this district is going to be turned around in no time. (Yes, that’s sarcasm.)
In the meantime, school officials here have to lay off employees and cut back on school supplies. Yes, fewer supplies for kids and the district equals better performance.
Somehow, state officials think this is the magic solution for the district’s ills.
It sounds like a load of BS to us.
What happened to education in the country? It used to work fine, until so-called educators, bureaucrats and politicians got involved.
What’s worse, if these schools and the district don’t improve, the state could step in and dissolve the district, or set up charter schools or just tell local parents to send their kids to existing charter schools.
You know what this sounds like to us? A power play to smash the teachers’ union, which just happens to be major supporters of the Democratic Party.
Republicans are doing all this dirty work under the guise of education reform.
No, it has more to do with reforming who gets to be in charge of things. And Republicans will stoop to anything to get that.