By Ian Perrotta
Review Staffwriter
If you are a graduating senior in Hamtramck, Hamtramck United Social Services (HUSS) has an offer for you – a $250 scholarship, and all you have to do is apply.
The scholarship was announced at a recent meeting of HUSS, which is an agency that unites the various social service organizations around town. At monthly meetings, each organization presents its latest news in a roundtable discussion.
This year, the organization had a little extra money and the group decided to create a scholarship. Now all that is needed are applicants. Applications will be reviewed by a three-member panel of HUSS members, with scoring based on a set criteria.
The scholarship is open to all graduating high school seniors who both live and attend school in Hamtramck. Applicants must have proof of continuing post-high school education, whether it is college, vocational training or military service. Additionally, applicants must write an essay that demonstrates recent community-based volunteerism that has benefitted Hamtramck.
The essay should be no longer than 500 words, and should be accompanied by a letter of recommendation from a Hamtramck community-based agency/organization/project with which the applicant has served. Also needed is proof of a 3.0 or higher GPA. Application forms are available at each high school’s counseling office and the postmark deadline for mailing them in is May 1.