By Charles Sercombe
A few of the many executive orders issued by President Trump in his first week in office included ones to allow only the U.S. flag to be displayed on government buildings, and to recognize that there are only two sexes: male and female.
Hamtramck Mayor Amer Ghalib, who endorsed Trump and may possibly be tapped for a position in Trump’s administration, praised him, and took some credit for Hamtramck being ahead of the Trumpian curve.
On his Facebook page, Ghalib said:
“What we have started here in Hamtramck city almost a year and a half ago, has now become an official U.S. government policy:
• No flags on government buildings other than the U.S. flag.
• Immediate ceasefire and peace in the Middle East.
• No gender ideology promotion and sexually explicit materials allowed in our schools. Federal government recognizes M and F sexes only.
As for flags, Ghalib was referring to the city’s ban on displaying pride flags on public property: “It is prohibited to raise the color flag and other groups on government buildings except the state flag.”
Ghalib continued: “We were the first to make these decisions nationwide. We are and will always stand on the bright side of history. Thank you Mr. President for supporting our trends after we’ve been swimming upstream and experiencing the tornado alone across the country.”
Ghalib received praise from those commenting on his post, especially when it comes to LGBTQ issues.
“We need a city wide investigation to why homosexuals are in our school systems,” said a person who identified as Mushfiq Choudhury.
“I’ve had people tell me that when they worked for our school districts they would encourage LGBTQ to Muslims because they were scared to talk about it at home. I am shocked.”
Choudhury also went on to blame former city council candidate Lynn Blasey and former Mayor Karen Majewski for advocating LGBTQ issues in the schools.
“Take note Lynn Blasey and Karen Majewski the people of America have spoken and we reject your child grooming LGBTQ evil!” Choudhury said.
“Expect lawsuits for the stunt you pulled hiring mentally ill teachers in our schools.”
It was pointed out, however, that neither Blasey nor Majewski have anything to do with the school district, and that Blasey has never held an elected position.
Posted Jan. 31, 2025
February 5, 2025 at 11:06 am
Does the mayor support a US takeover of Gaza and the expulsion and forcible resettlement of all “Palestinians”?
Jeff Radwanski
February 5, 2025 at 5:04 pm
I wonder if the Mayor, his constituents and the rest of the heavy population of Arabic Americans still support President Trump after his endorsement yesterday of a US takeover and forcing Palestinians out of Gaza so lavish condominiums can be built on their land. How sad!
Richard Lambert
February 5, 2025 at 7:44 pm
I see the major and community have drank the cool aid. Trump in the end, will make a fool of you, He will turn on you.
Martin Holbrook
February 6, 2025 at 12:39 pm
What the occupants and mayor believes is irrelevant. He and most of the city will soon be deported. FAFO