We don’t know what’s in the air lately, but last Tuesday’s city council meeting was an embarrassment.
First, there was a call to remove Councilmember Abu Musa from his position as mayor pro tem, which is the councilmember who takes over the duties of mayor when the mayor is not available, and who would become the mayor if Mayor Amer Ghalib, for example, takes a job with the Trump administration.
The reason that Councilmember Mohammed Hassan offered to have Musa removed?
Apparently for falling asleep at council meetings, although it’s unclear how this can be proved. Or, as some have speculated, Hassan was jealous of Musa becoming mayor.
Despite Hassan’s accusation being off the wall, Hassan got enough votes to have that title taken away from Musa and bestowed on Councilmember Khalil Refai.
Refai, to his credit, abstained in that vote.
Next, Councilmember Hassan struck again, this time seeking to suspend City Manager Max Garbarino for one week with pay.
First of all, we’re not sure what that would have accomplished, other than to interfere with city business.
The reason for this action had something to do with the complaints of some in the community over harsh property code enforcement, and also people getting code violation tickets for properties that don’t belong to them.
To us, it’s a trumped-up accusation, and we suspect there is an unspoken agenda behind it. Fortunately, that motion went nowhere.
What we do know is, these actions only cause disruption and division, and it’s all needless.
While we understand that there have been growing fractures among city councilmembers, this latest episode ends the fiction that this council was immune from that which our other council bodies have faced.
Everyone needs to take a step back and take a deep breath. Or, as they say: Chill out, folks.
Posted Jan. 24, 2025