Lately, the city council has been considering installing surveillance cameras throughout the city in order for the police department to detect stolen vehicles, or cars that are connected with crimes.
As one might guess, there has been pushback by some in the community who are concerned about the “Big Brother” implications of this system.
We don’t blame them.
There has been a recent uproar about the Detroit Police Department’s use of facial recognition cameras that resulted in the wrongful arrest of a pregnant woman.
Obviously, technology for police departments can be a useful tool, but at the same time, one ripe for abuse.
Having said that, it’s worth a try to see how this surveillance program will be carried out and how effective it is. We say this with great reservation.
We suggest a trial period to make sure there won’t be abuse.
Stolen vehicles are no small matter.
Hamtramck residents are reporting thefts and attempted thefts every week. This surveillance tool could prove to be valuable.
But at the first sign of trouble or abuse, the city should abandon this idea.
Posted Aug. 25, 2023
Mark Koroi
August 27, 2023 at 1:53 am
Why should the Hamtramck P.D. be so concerned about stolen vehicles when owners should be insuring their cars against theft. Does it therefore just benefit insurers for the police to focus upon auto theft?
Remember when the city was a participant in the multijurisdictional COBRA anti-theft police unit that resulted in many thousands of dollars in lawsuit payouts?
Controversy has followed facial recognition technology and it has led to litigation:
The city is exposing itself to possible litigation by implementing this type of surveillance.
Mark Koroi
August 27, 2023 at 4:08 pm
Additional links to litigation involving facial recognition technology:
Leave the worries about auto theft to the insurance industry. The concern should be focused upon citizen privacy and false arrests due to facial recognition software that is not functional for the purpose for which it was intended.